Why the 100 Parameter Limit in the BizTalk Table Looping Functoid Shouldn’t Matter

If you have ever used the Table Looping functoid in a BizTalk map, then you’re aware of its ability to take multiple inputs (whether they’re links from a source schema or other functoid outputs), and configure them as a table looping grid, so that these values can be used to create multiple nodes in the […]
Blog Post by: Tom Babiec

BizTalk BAM Portal URL authorization failed for the request (Event code 4007)

BizTalk BAM Portal URL authorization failed for the request (Event code 4007)

Last day I was able to convince my client to use, for the first time, BAM for tracking and monitoring of specific processes. As I anticipated, 1-hour work resulted in a major impact (for better) on the people responsible for these tasks in the organization. However after I deploy my BAM Definition and tracking profile […]
Blog Post by: Sandro Pereira

EntLib 6 just released

EntLib 6 just released

Hi everyone, Who doesn’t know what is Entlib? The Microsoft Enterprise Library is a set of tools and programming libraries for the Microsoft .NET Framework. It provides an API to facilitate proven practices in core areas of programming including data access, security, logging,exception handling and others. Enterprise Library is provided as pluggable binaries and source […]
Blog Post by: Jeremy Ronk

Help! I Cannot Attach My Azure Data Disk to my Windows Azure Virtual Machine

Windows Azure Virtual Machines are the new IaaS offering from Windows Azure that allows for Virtual Machines in the Cloud.  Using Windows Azure Virtual Machines you have the ability to add additional Data Disks in addition to your core Operating System Disk to your Virtual Machines.  The number of disks you can add depends on the size of your Virtual Machine and range from 1 for an Extra Small VM to 16 for an Extra Large VM. 

Data disks should be used for installing all your program files used on the Virtual Machines.  In general, the Cache level should be set to Read Only to ensure optimal disk performance.  Each data disk can get up to 500 IOPS (Input / Output Operations per Second).  So as you can see spreading things out over more Data Disks should be able to boost IO throughput.

This brings me to the main point of this post – how to add a Data Disk to a Virtual Machine.  To do so, select the Virtual Machine inside the Management Portal and hover over the Attach link on the bottom.  If you have a Disk available to be attached, you will see an option to Attach A Disk or Attach Empty Disk.  Use the Attach Empty Dish to create a new Data Disk.  If you already have an uploaded VHD and want to attach it as a Data Disk, you must first go to the DISKS tab and create a Disk for the VHD.

What can get confusing is WHY any existing disk might not be able to be added to a Virtual Machine.

I have found four reasons why an existing Disk cannot be added to a Virtual Machine and two of them are not very obvious using the Portal.

The reasons you cannot add an existing Disk include:

  • It is being used by another Virtual Machine
  • You have reached the limit of adding Disks to your Virtual Machine
  • The Disk is created in a different data center / location than your Virtual Machine (view this on the DISK tab)
  • The Disk is created using a different subscription than the Virtual Machine (view this on the DISK tab)

Have you found any other reasons you cannot attach an existing Disk?

Hope this helps someone stuck trying to add a Data Disk to a Windows Azure Virtual Machine.

BizTalk Server 2013 Road Show

BizTalk Server 2013 Road Show

During the month of May QuickLearn will be collaborating with Neudesic and BizTalk 360 to bring a special BizTalk 2013 Event to major cities across the US. Discover how to transform your business with BizTalk Server 2013. This invitation only event is designed to help you: Connect and automate your existing assets to maximize the […]
Blog Post by: Monique Bulette

BizTalk Server – How to Route Failed Messages to ESB on Send Ports where Delivery Notification is Enabled

The Issue
The ESB Toolkit 2.1 Exception Handling Framework provides the ability to easily report and and alert on both routed failed messages (where Failed Message Routing is enabled on a Receive or Send Port), as well as ESBFaults created from exceptions within an Orchestration. 
However, if you try routing failed messages on a Send Port […]
Blog Post by: Tom Babiec

Newly updated tfs 2012 (Update 2) courses coming to the UK in june

Newly updated tfs 2012 (Update 2) courses coming to the UK in june

QuickLearn is excited to be heading to the UK to deliver our leading courses on Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server. These courses have just been completely refreshed to  cover the latest features Microsoft have included in Update 2. Here is a list of the TFS 2012.2 courses we’re running in June. These courses are […]
Blog Post by: Anthony Borton (TFS Instructor)

Error: Schema referenced by Map has been deleted. The local, cached version of the BizTalk Server group configuration is out of date.

One of my colleges started getting following error on the development machine:

Schema referenced by Map ‘.’ has been deleted. The local, cached version of the BizTalk Server group configuration is out of date. You must refresh the BizTalk Server group configuration before making further changes. (Microsoft.BizTalk.Administration.SnapIn)

The deployment script stop working