Packt Publishing has given me a few copies of my book “Applied Architecture Patterns on the Microsoft Platform” to give away on  Over the next few weeks, I am going to have a few contests.  The book is a $60 value and I will cover the shipping costs to the winner anyplace in the world as long as the US Postal Service ships there.

Contest #1 – Below are the architectural patterns covered in our book.  We started with a much larger list and cut it down to what we thought were the top 13 used in the enterprise.  Besides the 13 listed below, what is another pattern commonly used in the enterprise?  

How to Enter: 
Simply add a comment to this blog post with your pattern idea to enter!  Ensure you are a registered member so I know your email address if you win OR send an email to [email protected] after you post your pattern.   Please ensure you see your pattern show up as a comment on this blog.  Due to spam blocker and caching – it might take up to 24 hours.  If all else fails, just send me an email.

Entries must be received by 11 PM Monday November 1st Central Standard Time.  The winner will be announced a few days later.

The fellow authors and I will review the suggested patterns and what we determine to be the “best missing enterprise pattern” will win a free copy of our book.  Who knows, you might even see it written up later on if we release an update to the book.


Included Patterns

  • Simple Workflow. Covers a use case that involves aggregating data from multiple sources and presenting a unified response.
  • Content Based Routing. Looks at how to effectively transmit data to multiple systems that perform similar functions.
  • Publish-Subscribe. Addresses a scenario where a message must be reliably sent to multiple endpoints.
  • Repair/Resubmit with Human Workflow. Builds a process for easy human interaction with failed messages inside a system.
  • Remote Message Broadcasting. Demonstrates a scenario where a traditional polling solution is augmented to support real-time updates.
  • Debatching Bulk Data. Explains how to take giant sets of data and insert them into databases for analysis.
  • Complex Event Processing. Addresses click stream analysis and creating actionable events.
  • Cross-Organizational Supply Chain. Demonstrates how to build a supply chain to integrate systems in a PO scenario.
  • Multiple Master Synchronization. Covers methods for arriving at a single version of truth from multiple, often conflicting master data sources.
  • Rapid Flexible Scalability. Looks at creating temporary environments that can be easily created and deleted as needed.
  • Low Latency Request-Reply. Contains a retail scenario where high performing query services are established.
  • Handling Large Session and Reference Data. Discusses usage of distributed caching to scale large workloads in web applications.
  • Site Load Burst and Failover. Looks at leveraging Windows Azure platform elastic resources and high SLA for building a low TCO solution.
  • Best of luck!  Of course if you do not win a free copy of the book – the book is available on and

    Looking for more information on our book?  Read a sample chapter online Chapter 12 Debatching Bulk Data or watch The Story Behind The Book on YouTube.