When installing the 64 bits version of the BizTalk LOB Adapter Pack, you may experience that the bindings (sqlBindings, SAPBinding etc…) do not show in the Binding Type drop down list when using a WCF-Custom Transport Type.

MSDN explains that the installation package only updates the 64 bit version of the machine.config. But the administration console runs in a 32 bits process and will not pick-up the installed binding types.

The solution is:

Up to BizTalk 2009 and the .Net Framework 3.5: Install both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the BizTalk Adapter Pack on top of the 64-bit WCF LOB Adapter SDK installation. Note that only the 64-bit version of the SDK must be installed. This way, both machine.config (32 and 64 bits) will be updated.

From the 4.0 version of the adapter pack compatible for BizTalk 2010, this is not enough. Since the 32-bit version of the Adapter Pack only update the machine.config of the .Net 2.0 version, you must edit yourself the 32bit version of the .Net 4.0 machine.config file (C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Config). Refer to To register the adapter binding for the “how to”. Then everything will work fine!

This might get fixed in the RTM version of the .Net 4.0 version of the adapter pack.

Vincent Rouet, CODit