As you know I’m a big fan of Virtual Box being able to run my x64 VMs on my Win7 machine.
So armed with my trusted new Core i7/8 GB laptop – I figured the VMs will be cooking
on this new kit
After installing the lastest VirtualBox (3.2.0) I was away – only to notice the machines
were running like a SLUG! (I actually have a cat that has the nick name ’slug’ and
this machine was slower than her)
After waiting a full 20mins (still booting – ’loading windows files’ etc) my machine
Blue Screened for a millisecond and then rebooted.
So I rolled up my sleeves and started digging – could be the VHD, the bios, the machine,
the 1000 and 1 settings
Firstly I ran a command line command (from under the vbox install dir) –
VBoxManage setextradata VMNAME “VBoxInternal/PDM/HaltOnReset” 1
Finally I got a glimpse of the BSOD and it was an error “STOP7B”
I twigged this is an error of “Inaccessible boot device.” which I’ve had several
times when the SATA drivers couldn’t be loaded by the O/S during boot up.
Solution: (in my case)
I configured the Virtual Box VM with IDE Storage Controllers and NOT SATA
ones for the bootup.(still connected to the same VHDs though)
Win2008/R2 boots up and I’m able to load the SATA drivers in and we’re away.
Back to BizTalk 2010 Beta playing. 🙂