Just wanted to get the word out about a change to the may user group event. Udi Dahan will present a new topic which he has not presented in the UK before. Details below.
To register for this event please refer to: http://ukconnectedsystemsusergroup.org/UpcomingEvents.aspx
Title: High Availability – A Contrarian View
Abstract: Many developers are aware of the importance of high availability, critically analyzing any single points of failure in the infrastructure. Those same developers rarely give a second thought to the periods of time when a system is being upgraded. Even if all the servers are running, most systems cannot function in-between versions. Yet with the increased pace of business, users are demanding ever more frequent releases. The poor maintenance programmers and system administrators are left holding the bag long after the architecture that sealed their fate was formulated. Join Udi for some different perspectives on high availability – architecture and methodology for the real world.