Back in V2.0 we had a Web Service that did this sort of stuff for us, now in V3.0
it’s delivered straight from the Object Model.


  1. We create a batch of XML which could have ‘adds, updates + deletes’ in there.
  2. We call the web.ProcessBatchData(xml) method, handing to it our wishes.

This technique is fast, and CAML based 🙁

So if you need to add 100 items to the list – this would be a way to do it. (I’ve
got to check whether this technique fires event handlers on the lists or whether it’s
a ‘back door’ thing)

Note: in the snippet below, the fields are referenced via their namespace#<name>

– you can get the field’s details by saving your list ‘As a template’,
downloading the *.stp file, renaming to *, opening it and looking into the
*.xml file there.

– you could also call the lists.asmx webservice (..\_vti_bin\lists.asmx)
and calling the GetListCollection(); method to see a chunk of describing

 1: "<ows:Batch
OnError=\"Return\">" +
 2:  "<Method ID=\"A1\"><SetList>" +
myGuid + "</SetList>" +
 3:  "<SetVar Name=\"ID\">New</SetVar>" +
 4:  "<SetVar Name=\"Cmd\">Save</SetVar>" +
 5:  "<SetVar Name=" +
 6:  "\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Title\">" +
 7:  "New Manager</SetVar>" +
 8:  "<SetVar Name=" +
 9:  "\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Body\">" +
 10:  "Congratulations to Mary for
her promotion!</SetVar>" +
 11:  "<SetVar Name=" +
 12:  "\"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office#Expires\">" +
 13:  "2003-09-14T00:00:00Z</SetVar>" + 
 14:  "</Method>" 

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Here’s a small MSDN article on it –

