I’ve been doing a number of project lately for the SharePoint and SharePoint online
teams.  Mostly around services and integrating SharePoint services with Silverlight. 
One of these projects was pretty cool so we decided to put it up on CodePlex – http://www.codeplex.com/sharepointsilverligh 
(yes I can spell Silverlight – CodePlex seems to not like long project names in its
URIs ;-)).

The basic idea is a Silverlight control that coordinates data between a SharePoint
List (using the SharePoint List Web Service) and the Virtual Earth map control in
the browser.  You can point it at any list that has columns containing longitude
and latitude data (it should be pretty easy to modify it to use addresses and do a
query of Virtual Earth as well).  It can also be pointed at a Picture list, so
the picture can show up on the pushpin "tooltip".  Enjoy and let me
know what you think.

Check out my new book on REST.