Here are some more syntax examples for the new library version:
3. Using pre-built pipelines:
If you have existing, already compiled, BizTalk pipelines, I currently have two options
for using them:
ReceivePipelineWrapper pipeline = Pipelines.NewReceive(typeof(MyPipeline));
ReceivePipelineWrapper pipeline = Pipelines.NewReceive<MyPipeline>();
4. Adding Document Specifications:
It’s also important to add any necessary document specifications (schemas) to the
pipeline before executing it so that disassembler and assembler components can find
them. This is now possible as well during construction:
SendPipelineWrapper pipeline = Pipelines.NewReceive()
.AddAssembler(new XmlAsmComp())
.WithSpec<MySchemaType>() .End();
One thing I’m not quite sure about here is with the standard XML pipelines and prebuilt
pipelines. For them, the current factory methods in the Pipelines class don’t
return a builder object (like the one returned by the empty NewReceive() and NewSend()
methods I introduced last
time), so if you want to add known document specifications to those, you still
need to use the old AddDocSpec() method in the ReceivePipelineWrapper and SendPipelineWrapper
classes. It’s not much more complexity, but the asymmetry makes me dislike it a bit.
So I’ll probably be changing the code so that all pipeline creation methods return
builder objects and not the actual pipeline objects. Any objections?
5. Executing Send Pipelines:
One annoying part of the current API is that when executing Send pipelines you need
to explicitly create a MessageCollection instance, add your input messages to it and
then call Execute() with it. Not too bad, but inconvenient if you only have one or
two messages (which is most of the time).
I thought about several possible syntaxes to simplify this, but in the end decided
to do the simplest fix: I added a new overload to SendPipelineWrapper.Execute() that
has a params array of IBaseMessage instances. So you can now do this:
IBaseMessage output = pipeline.Execute(message1, message2);
Simple, but effective!