Here is an email from Jesus Rodriguez on his new adapter and webcasts that some of you may have interest in.



We just finished the news version of the Service Broker adapter, the Web Services Enhancements 3.0 adapter and the adapter. I am doing a MSDN Webcast this Thursday introducing the adapter for BTS 2006 ( ) and another WebCast May 5th for the WSE 3.0 adapter. I blog about it ( ) I am wondering if you can reference it in your Weblog. I would like to have a good number of BizTalk developers attending to those WebCasts




Jesus Rodriguez
Chief Software Architect – Two Connect, Inc.

Microsoft MVP – Windows Server System – BizTalk Server
Phone: 305 / 663-6676 | Fax: 305 / 663-9193 |  

A Member of the Microsoft BPI Virtual Technical Specialist Team