Hi guys – there’s a bunch of stuff going on right now at PDC 08 in LA.
What’s hot:
(If you’re on a PDA/Mobile – grab a the PDC from here – http://www.microsoftpdc.com/mobile/)
- Here’s a select set of recorded sessions up on Channel 9– http://channel9.msdn.com/tags/PDC08/
Oslo” is the code name for our platform for model-driven applications. The goal of
“Oslo” is to provide a 10x productivity gain by making model-driven applications mainstream
with domain-specific models, languages and tools.
- Public Oslo(BizTalk vNext next) Site – http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/oslo/default.aspx
Oslo Downloads here – http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/oslo
- WCF ‘REST’ Services
- MSDN WCF REST-ful Starter Site – http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-au/netframework/cc950529.aspx
I’ve got no idea what REST is –REST
great article outlining REST - WCF REST Starter Kit(on CodePlex at the moment) – http://www.codeplex.com/aspnet/Wiki/View.aspx?title=WCF%20REST
So if you can’t sleep then there’s going to be some interesting reading coming up
for us all. 🙂