
version 1.9 of DasBlog, which I run here, comes the ability to support Gravatar’s

out of the box. What are “Gravatar’s” you ask? Simple, a Gravatar is a small image

(80×80 pixels) hosted by Gravatar.com which

a site can request of you given your email address. This allows blogs, for instance,

to show an avatar of your choosing next to your comment without having to personally

handle you uploading the file, trimming the image, storing the image, screening the

image for “appropriateness”, and so on.

Gravatar’s have been around for a while, but for over a year they have not allowed

new people to sign up for the service because they had reached the capacity of there

existing infrastructure. Well they’ve completely redesigned for scalability and are

back with style. You will see now that my recent responses to comments include my

ugly mug as an avatar next to my comments, and if you’d like your face immortalized

then all you have to do is go to this site and request an account of your own. Once

you do, you’ll instantly have you’re chosen Gravatar available here, no more work

required provided you left an email address with your comment.

The Gravatar team has a blog here so you can

keep track of what they are doing.