A recent question on the HL7 forum was how to manually create an acknowledgment from within BizTalk and send it out on a Request/Response port.
There are two approaches to this:
1. Manually create the acknowledgment within the orchestration
2. Have the pipeline create the acknowledgment
Taking advice from a good friend EricI am going to try to explain why you would use both approaches and the benefits and drawbacks.
1. The manually creating of an acknowledgment is a sure fire way of getting an acknowledgment. If you want a ‘true’ application acknowledgment, this is the approach you will want to implement, as once your business process completes, you will want to send back an acknowledgment instead of having the pipeline component generate the acknowledgment automatically before the application (BizTalk) actually processes the message.
Note: This same approach will be used for an ORM/ORR situation.
2. Come on, we are in the computer field for one of two reasons
- Because of forces beyond our control, we ended up here sitting in front of a computer: training 0s and 1s to follow a particular path from one computer to another; instead of being the astronaut, firefighter, or ballerina that we put on our 3rd grade paper of what we wanted to be when we grew up.
- Or, we are lazy, and manually typing out Lab orders, Patient Admittance forms just does not appeal to us, so we, or our manager, wants us to automate the process
So laziness seems to be the underlying reason. You can have the pipeline component will do most of the work. But I will explain how to accomplish this also.
Okay, so lets get to it.
Regardless of the approach, it will all start off at the same point. We are going to be using the ADT^A03 (again, since I am lazy and going to use the message in the SDK folder)
- I created the BTAHL7V231Common project
- I created the BTAHL72XCommon project and added a new schema called Z_24_GLO_DEF and made the namespace BTAHL7Schemas for the definition of the Z Segments (more about that later)
- I then created the BTAHL7ADTA03 project added the above project references along with the BTAHL7.Schemas dll
Okay so lets add a new orchestration to the BTAHL7ADTA03 project called ManualACK.
We want to define both a ADT^A03 and ACK multi-part message, along with creating a two way port type called ADTA03PortType as shown below (request: ADT_A03Type response: ACKType). Notice that the ZSegments part is pointed to the new schema in the BTAHL72XCommon project.
Next lets make the port and the messages, create a port manually called VendorPort and choose specify later binding, recieve-send direction,and use the ADTA03PortType. Create a message and call it ADTA03Msg and point to the ADT_A03_Type, create ACKMsg and point to the ACKType
Now lets manually create the acknowledgment. Add a receive shape which will accept the ADTA03Msg and then the transform that creates the ACKMsg.
In the map definition we want the source to be the ADT_A03_Type.MSHSegment and since we need the information from the ADT^A03 MSH segment to populate the ACK MSH and MSA segment.
The reason I can access the message parts directly from within this dialog box is that all parts of the multi part message are defined as schemas, contrary to what is specified in the tutorial (System.String).
Also, we will make a seperate map that just creates the ZSegments body part. BizTalk seems to get ‘confused’ when you try to map all three parts in the same map.
Here is the map that creates the MSH and MSA segment, for the new control number I have the following code in the scripting functiod:
public string ReverseControlNumber(string input)
char[] charArray=new char[input.Length];
int len=input.Length-1;
for(int i=0;i<len;i++)
return new string(charArray);
Then I created a seperate map for theZSegment, the input is theADT^A03, and the output is the ACKZSegment, and I hard coded a space
I added a message assignment shape called Add ContextData and the follow code is included:
Then we send the message back to the request/response port.
The final orchestration looks like this:
You are completed! What you would want to do at this point is to put your processing logic between the Recieve ADTA03 and the Construct ACK shape.
Now off to connecting an orchestraton to a port that you are using the pipeline component to create the acknowledgment.
This is going to be somewhat similar, except it is going to be a one way port type that just has defined the ADT^A03, and we are not going to be creating the ACK.
Lets create the NonACK orchestration with the following one way port type
Now for the port definition, because the orchestration is connecting to a request/response port, in order for it to bind correctly we need a two way port. But the orchestration is not sending anything back. The pipeline is handling that piece. If we create a 1 way logical port in the orchestration, then it would not bind to a request response physical port.
We are stuck…
The only thing that we can do is create the one way port, but instead of choosing Specify Later as the binding, we choose Direct.
This means that the adapter is going to pick up the message, the pipeline is going to create the acknowledgment and send it back out fulfilling the request/response scenario, and the orignal message is going to show up in the message box. There is where the orchestration is looking for the ADT^A03, not directly from the recieve location.
The compressed orchestration looks like this:
Of course you might need to put some filters on the recieve shape because now all ADT^A03’s are going to be picked up regardless of what port it came in on.
I hope that this was a much fun to read as it was to write!
Through my contacts page, let me know if you would like this prototype.