I had a business requirement to catch all web service exceptions and include them in an email.
Here’s how to do it:
Put the Web Service Call and Response inside a scope with an Exception Handler. You don’t have to make it transactional. You won’t be able to put both the send and receive shapes in an atomic scope. I left it as “None”. You’ll need to add a reference to System.Web.Services.dll assembly to your project. Right-click on your scope and select Add New Exception Handler.
Select the exception handler you just added and open the properties window.
Configure the following properties:
Property Value
Exception Object Type System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException
Exception Object Name ex_MyException
Inside of the exception handler you can do what you need by accessing ex_MyException.Details. Be careful about terminating the orchestration inside of the exception handler, as it might cause zombies.
Blog Post by: Eric Stott