This post was originally published here
In my previous post I promised that my next blog post would be a follow up on the CRM2011 integration example.
Covering a rewrite of the CRM Workflow Component such that it incorporates functionality which uses the Windows Azure Service Bus Relay Services to send over the CRM data to BizTalk.
Well something kind of, came in between.. But no worries, I am still working on putting it all down in a blogpost and I hope to publish it pretty soon.
But in the meantime, keep on reading, relax, get your mouse or your finger-tips ready to click or swipe a-long as I shamelessly present another blog-post dedicated to another great BizTalk Server book which is a must read…
It has been almost 2 months, since Packt publishing released Steef-Jan Wiggers book “BizTalk Server 2010 Cookbook“.
I had the privilege to review this book together with fellow BizTalk-ers; Randal van Splunteren, Abdul Rafay and Sandro Pereira
Steef-Jan put in a lot of effort writing this book, and well this book deserves all the attention it can get! So that’s the reason I’ve decided to shamelessly plug it.
Like I said, it has been almost 2 months since Packt released this book and I for once could write yet another elaborate review explaining that Steef-Jan’s book is:
unique in its kind, must have, must read, no-nonsense,easy to read, covering almost all aspects ranging from development, architecture, testing to deployment, targets not only developers, architects, administrators and people who don’t work with BizTalk each and every day etc..
however by doing so I would merely repeat what a lot of fellow BizTalk-ers have been blogging about, so without further a due I present a small collection of links pointing to reviews of Steef-Jan Wiggers book “BizTalk Server 2010 Cookbook”
Reviews by (in no particular order)
Lex Hegt
Mikael Sand
Saravana Kumar
Howard S. Edidin
Antonino Crudele
Well what’s keeping you here? Click on one of the links to buy this great book.
Cheers and till next time