Camp Topics

Tech Focus Abstract
Overview Hello Azure! In this talk you’ll learn about the broad service offerings of Microsoft
Azure. All the pieces, Compute, Data, App and
Network Services; combine to provide one powerful enterprise-grade cloud
platform you can trust.
Mobile Have an idea for a Mobile App but don’t want to focus on building out your own back-end
resources. You’re in luck! Microsoft Azure Mobile Services abstracts away
Storage, Security, Notifications, and Scalability to let you focus on implementing
the features of your mobile app.
PaaS/Networking Microsoft Azure Platform as a Service offerings include both Cloud Services and Websites.
Learn how to harness the power of PaaS to build your next Website or Web
Iaas Need some extra servers? We’ve got them. Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines provide
both Windows and Linux guest operating systems.
Web Microsoft Azure Websites is the fastest way to build for the Cloud providing a highly
scalable enterprise-ready environment. In this talk learn how Azure Websites
enables you to build applications with your language/framework of choice and deploy
with ease.
Media Whether you’re hosting a major televised event or hosting video for a plethora of
devices, Microsoft Azure Media Services is for you. Built with Scale in mind enabling

you to store, encode, protect and package audio or video content for on-demand and
live streaming. Learn how to interact with the Player Framework and SDKs.
Identity & Access Management ADAL Library, O365 Library, Odata Services, .NET & Java
Integration and Hybrid Workloads Building Applications that need connectivity into your on-premises data center? Not
to worry, we’ve got you covered. Microsoft Azure has a number of different solutions
for integrating with your existing
applications or environments including VPN and Message Queuing technologies.
Data It is rare to see a modern application which doesn’t require the storage of Data.
Microsoft Azure has many ways to fulfill your storage needs be it Relational, Non-Relational
or needed far and wide we’ve got you covered. Needed that data
crunched yesterday? No time to set up an environment? Microsoft Azure HD Insight has
you covered for all your Big Data needs. Spin up a cluster in a matter of minutes,
pull it down just as fast.
Big Data Needed that data crunched yesterday? No time to set up an environment? Microsoft Azure
HD Insight has you covered for all your Big Data needs. Spin up a cluster in a matter
of minutes, pull it down just as fast.