Survey of the .NET Blogosphere

Last week I undertook a completely unscientific study of the .NET Blogosphere (as much as I loathe that term), to determine which namespaces and classes people are most excited about, confused by, or frustrated with – at least to the point that they would dedicate the time to write in their blog about them. My methods for undertaking this study were rather simplistic. I wrote a quick and dirty console application to reflect through the .NET Framework namespaces and classes, and search the internet for mentions of them alongside the terms .NET and blog. For classes whose namespaces contained no periods, the full name of the class was used as the search term. For those classes whose namespaces did contain periods, the namespace and name of the class were used as separate search terms. For example, the class System.IO.File would result in a search for “System.IO File .NET blog”, whereas the class System.String would result in a search for “System.String .NET blog”.

More than to just do a popularity contest of the different classes, I wanted to try to determine the best sources of information for each component of the framework. I wanted to see which sites seemed to consistently beat out others as authoritative sources with complete coverage of a given area. In preparation for the transition to .NET 4, I also was interested to see if the features new to .NET 3, and .NET 3.5 received similar coverage to those classes/namespaces that are used in nearly every project created. This final concern will require further testing and analysis before any conclusions can be reached.

What I did find, however, was that (perhaps unsurprisingly considering the methods) those classes/namespaces which one might use more often round out the top 10 result getters:

Class / Namespace

Result Count
System.IO 14000000
System.IO.File 12500000
System.Xml 12200000
System.Collections.Generic 10600000
System.Collections 10400000
System.Net 8280000
System 7480000
System.Web 5970000
System.Text 5950000
Microsoft.VisualBasic 5810000

I was surprised at how strong of a showing the Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace had among all other contenders. Another interesting study would be to look into those sites that are represented in the result count and find the ratio of C# to VB code contained within.

When looking only at classes, we find the following in the top 10:

Class Result Count
System.IO.File 12500000
System.Collections.IList 5250000
System.Windows.Forms.Form 5190000
System.Collections.Generic.List<T> 4360000
System.Windows.Forms.Application 4180000
System.IO.Directory 3950000
System.Windows.Forms.Control 3780000
System.IO.Stream 3380000
System.Transactions.Transaction 3080000
System.Windows.Window 2520000

From here it looks like features from .NET 2.0 (List<T>) and .NET 3.0 (System.Windows.Window) have gotten enough traction to make a big splash. Generics have had quite a long time to catch on so that’s not surprising. Features from WPF making the top 10 already is surprising (considering how much longer classes have had to be written about), and in this case may simply come as a result of the search term that the application used, which would split off Window from System.Windows.Window as its own term alongside the rest.

The top 10 sources for information about .NET would appear to be the following:

Site Top Result for X
Classes/Namespaces 4029 1343 724 255 236 231 137 88 87 83

The number next to the name of the site indicates how many classes/namespaces for which the site is the top result. Further investigation shows that this might be inaccurate since dotnet247 seems to just index the entire framework and aggregate information from other sites in an automated fashion. Sounds like a great way to make some money from ads, but it might not be the best information source (though is still fairly genius). MSDN blogs definitely provide some serious coverage of the .NET Framework, and likely have excellent information about those classes/namespaces for which they were the top results.

Another interesting statistic that came out of this entirely informal study is that 29% of the .NET Framework (3.5) has less than 5 articles of coverage on the internet. In fact there are 389 classes or namespaces that would appear to have nothing written about them at all (according to the semi-flawed methodology described above).

You can use the download link below to download the complete results that contain all of the raw data that was analyzed, as well a pivot table, and some charts that can be used to explore it to some extent. What interesting information can you find? Has anyone else done a more formal survey of the same?

Download Now: Complete Survey Results

BizTalk:BAM Operations: brief summary

BAM Operations, a brief summary
Installing the BAM infrastructure
BAM infrastructure composed on the base of the SQL Analysis Services and the SQL Integration Services. The SQL Notification Service is an optional element.
1. Before installing BAM make sure the SQL Analysis Services and the SQL Integration Services are installed. If not, install them.
2. Create the BAMAnalysis and BAMStarSchema databases. It can be done in separate step or while the BizTalk configuration.
2.1. Start the BizTalk Server Configuration tool.
2.2. Choose the BAMTools on the left side of window.
2.3. Check on option the “Enable Analysis Services for BAM aggregations”.
2.4. Fill in Server Name with the same value as value for others databases. For example, “SQLDEV2\BIZTALK”.
2.5. Push the “Apply Configuration” button. Click “Next>” button.
2.6. Make sure there are no errors.
Note: to get access to the BAM Portal in the cluster BizTalk deployment use article by Richard Seroter.
Development and Deploying
Deployment is separated to two parts. One is creating the logical data structure, second is mapping the logical structure to the BizTalk data.
There are two roles in development respectively. Business Analyst creates the logical tracking; BizTalk developer maps the logical tracking structure to the BizTalk application data.
For details read the MSDN documentation, “Using Business Activity Monitoring” at
Business Analyst uses the Microsoft Excel with special Add-In to create the Activities and Views, and then export them to the Xml file. It is the BAM Definitions.
BizTalk developer uses the Tracking Profile Editor (TPE) to map BAM Definitions to the BizTalk Orchestrations. TPE produces the Tracking Profile.
Deployer is another role in the process. In development environment it is a developer, in the production environment it is a System Administrator.
Deployer uses the bm.exe utility to deploy the BAM Definitions and TPE (in the development environment) or the BttDeploy.exe utility (in the production environment) to deploy Tracking Profile.
Development and Deployment Considerations
If we need to change something in BAM infrastructure first we have to undeploy old Tracking Profile and BAM Definitions then redeploy the new Tracking Profile and BAM Definitions. It is a simple process if we have the old Tracking Profile and BAM Definitions. If we lost them, the undeployment process is more complicated. That means we have to store deployed Tracking Profile and BAM Definitions!
Use deployed files <BAM Definitions>.xml and <Tracking Profile>.btt.
1. Open the Command line window (Start / Run/ >cmd.exe).
2. Go (>cd) to the <BizTalk>\Tracking\ folder.
3. Undeploy BAM Definitions:
a. >bm remove-all -DefinitionFile:< BAM Definitions>.xml -Server:<server>
4. Undeploy Tracking Profile:
a. >BttDeploy <Tracking Profile>.btt /remove [/mgdb <server name[,port]>\<database name>]
If we lost the <BAM Definitions>.xml and <Tracking Profile>.btt files, use the
>bm.exe get-defxml-FileName:<output file>[ -Server:<server> ] [ -Database:<database> ]
to get them. If we before that deployed several Definitions, we have to edit the new DefinitionFile.
Use files from the BAM\Current folder.
5. Copy the <BAM Definitions>.xml and <Tracking Profile>.btt files to the <BizTalk>\Tracking\ folder.
6. Open the Command line window (Start / Run/ >cmd.exe).
7. Go (>cd) to the <BizTalk>\Tracking\ folder.
8. Deploy BAM Definitions:
a. >bm deploy-all -DefinitionFile:< BAM Definitions>.xml -Server:<server>
9. Deploy Tracking Profile:
a. >BttDeploy <Tracking Profile>.btt/mgdb <server name[,port]>\<database name>
10. 10. Set the access permissions for the BAM Portal users:
a. >bm add-account -AccountName:<BAMUsersGroup> -view:<ViewName>
– use it for each view in the BAM Definition.
This creates the database artifacts as tables, views, triggers, stored procedures in the databases.
Deployment scripts
Usually I create the deployment scripts and place them and BAM files to a predefined folder structure.
Folder structure:
o BAM\Scripts – folder for scripts
o BAM\Current – folder for the BAM files to be deployed. We can edit them.
o BAM\Last – folder for the BAM files deployed right now. We cannot edit them.
o BAM\Last-1 – folder for the BAM files deployed before. They are for undo.
%u00b7 Script user has to be in BAM administrators group.
Managing the BAM Infrastructure
The BAM infrastructure consists of the BAM workbook views, BAM Portal, BAM deployments, the BAM Data Transformation Services (DTS) packages, and the BAM databases. For more information about the BAM infrastructure, see .
How to manage this infrastructure see “Managing the BAM Dynamic Infrastructure” .

Streaming pipeline and using context ResourceTracker to avoid disposed streams

Streaming pipeline and using context ResourceTracker to avoid disposed streams

Recently there’s been a few really good resources on streaming pipeline handling published. You can find some of the here.aspx) and here.aspx).

The Optimizing Pipeline Performance.aspx) MSDN article has two great examples of how to use some of the Microsoft.BizTalk.Streaming.dl.aspx) classes. The execute method of first example looks something like below.

public IBaseMessage Execute(IPipelineContext context, IBaseMessage message)
        IBaseMessageContext messageContext = message.Context;
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xPath) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyValue))
            throw new ArgumentException(...);
        IBaseMessagePart bodyPart = message.BodyPart;
        Stream inboundStream = bodyPart.GetOriginalDataStream();
        VirtualStream virtualStream = new VirtualStream(bufferSize, thresholdSize);
        ReadOnlySeekableStream readOnlySeekableStream = new ReadOnlySeekableStream(inboundStream, virtualStream, bufferSize);
        XmlTextReader xmlTextReader = new XmlTextReader(readOnlySeekableStream);
        XPathCollection xPathCollection = new XPathCollection();
        XPathReader xPathReader = new XPathReader(xmlTextReader, xPathCollection);
        bool ok = false;
        while (xPathReader.ReadUntilMatch())
            if (xPathReader.Match(0) && !ok)
                propertyValue = xPathReader.ReadString();
                messageContext.Promote(propertyName, propertyNamespace, propertyValue);
                ok = true;
        readOnlySeekableStream.Position = 0;
        bodyPart.Data = readOnlySeekableStream;
    catch (Exception ex)
        if (message != null)
        throw ex;
    return message;

We used this example as a base when developing something very similar in a recent project. At first every thing worked fine but after a while we stared getting an error saying:

Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: DataReader

It took us a while to figure out the real problem here, everything worked fine when sending in simple messages but as soon as we used to code in a pipeline were we also debatched messages we got the “disposed object” problem.

It turns out that when we debatched messages the execute method of the custom pipeline ran multiple times, one time for each sub-messages. This forced the .NET Garbage Collector to run.

The GC found the XmlTextReader that we used to read the stream as unreferenced and decided to destoy it.

The problem is that will also dispose the readOnlySeekable-Stream stream that we connected to our message data object!

It’s then the BizTalk End Point Manager (EPM) that throws the error as it hits a disposed stream object when trying to read the message body and save it to the BizTalkMsgBox!

ResourceTracker to the rescue!

Turns out that the BizTalk message context object has a nice little class connected to it called the ResourceTracker. This object has a “AddResouce”-method that makes it possible to add an object and the context will the hold a reference to this object, this will tell the GC not to dispose it!

So when adding the below before ending the method everything works fine – even when debatching messages!


After installing Visual Studio 2010 Get Could not create SSOSQL. To fix the problem, reinstall SSO or try ‘regasm SSOSQL.dll’ from a Visual Studio command prompt.

I rebuilt my laptop recently with Windows 7 and installed AppFabric, .net4, VS 2010, etc. 

 When I came to configure BIzTalk 2009 I got the error in the subject line because the SSOSQL assembly needed to be re-registered. 

Follow the instructions here to get it to work

Knowing when your VM O/S is expiring and extending

Here’s a handy set of commands when using in particular Virtual Machines with a ’demo’

We certainly create images for my students to take away with them and the common question

When will this OS expire?” or more likely on the 3rd day of a 5
day course I get the error popping up stating the OS has expired and will shutdown
every 2hrs.

To know when the OS may expire from the command prompt:

c:\slmgr -xpr

To possibly EXTEND to trial period for the OS

c:\slmgr -rearm

(note – you can only get away with this a few times)

If this fails, you can always jump to MS and try and get a trial key off their site.

Why go to the MVP Summit?

Every year Microsoft hosts an event they refer to as the MVP Global Summit in the Seattle area.  This event is invitation only event where those who have been recognized as Microsoft MVPs get to meet with their product groups, discuss strategy, impart real-world scenarios, and learn what is coming down the pipe.  The event is simply wonderful, where else can you get a chance to interact with the people directly responsible for parts of the Microsoft eco-system you care about most deeply.  Of course, such openness does not come without restriction.  The MVPs are all under a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) which means that for 90%+ of what we are told, we cannot discuss it with other people.

You can’t discuss it?  Why go then?!

A fair question, with at least four answers. So let’s go through them.

First – I can’t discuss things, but I still know them.

When thinking about the trip to the Summit you must remember that you’re learning things far before the public will, but that does not mean that the public will never learn these things.  Much of what is discussed will eventually become public information, and once it is those who have been to the Summit will have had the most time to internalize and strategize on the information, often meaning they will be able to act on that information more quickly.  Also just because I can’t share my knowledge does not mean I can’t share my judgment.  I can use the information I have received to inform the choices I make for my own personal work and what I do for my clients.

Second – Meet the Team

Every Summit is a chance to meet new people within Microsoft who are working on your area of expertise and interest, to put a face with a name, and to collect business cards or email aliases.  This can be wonderful later on if you want to provide feedback or ask a short question during the 99% of the year that isn’t the MVP Summit.

Third – Bond with your Local MVPs

When you travel to the MVP Summit you get a chance to spend time strengthening your relationships with the MVPs in your area.  Your local MVPs are the backbone of your community, and getting to know them better will help you help your community better.  You’ve got time during the Summit to discuss plans for future events, eat, drink and be merry.

Fourth – Meet MVPs from around the world

This may seem like a repeat of the entry above, but meeting MVPs from outside your local area has a different purpose.  Your making connections that open up an exchange of ideas.  You’re putting names with faces from Twitter, Facebook, StackOverflow and other sites.  You never know when a passing conversation about your interest with some technology might not result in you being able to help a company half way around the world make a wiser technical decision.  Absolutely key.  Again, eat, drink and be merry.


Rather obviously a lot of what the MVP Summit is about is networking, but you’re and MVP right?  You network, help people, organize meetings, answer questions, in general you are a community leader, and influencer.  And so are ALL of those other MVPs.  Even if every MVP touched merely as many people as a small user group, say 50/month people, then the 1400 MVPs who just left the Summit in 2010 represent 840,000 developer touches.  And those numbers are low.  From blog posts, to conferences, and more an MVP has huge reach which is why we were invited to begin with.

Thank you to Microsoft, the Product Groups, the Developer Evangelists, and the incredible MVP Leads for making this Summit a smashing success!

Fatal error encountered in 2XDasm. Exception information is Object reference not set to an instance of an object

While enhancing a custom ORU^R01 schema, there was a Z segment at the end (that I did not want to place in the ZSegments message part.

I went happily creating the schema, deployed it and ran it, and received the following errors:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: BizTalk Accelerator for HL7
Event Category: None
Event ID: 4097
Fatal error encountered in 2XDasm. Exception information is Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

followed by

Event Type: Error
Event Source: BizTalk Server 2009
Event Category: (1)
Event ID: 5719
There was a failure executing the receive pipeline: “BTAHL72XPipelines.BTAHL72XReceivePipeline, BTAHL72XPipelines, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35” Source: “BTAHL7 2.X Disassembler” Receive Port: “One Way Receive Port” URI: “D:\Data\Lab\Medicity\Input\*” Reason: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


Event Type: Error
Event Source: BizTalk Server 2009
Event Category: (1)
Event ID: 5753
A message received by adapter “FILE” on receive location “Medicity Pickup” with URI “D:\Data\Lab\Medicity\Input\*” is suspended.
Error details: There was a failure executing the receive pipeline: “BTAHL72XPipelines.BTAHL72XReceivePipeline, BTAHL72XPipelines, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35” Source: “BTAHL7 2.X Disassembler” Receive Port: “One Way Receive Port” URI: “D:\Data\Lab\Medicity\Input\*” Reason: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
MessageId: {E182624C-BD9A-422A-B13B-CD7E108B5B30}
InstanceID: {72120031-57DB-418B-AEE3-A4E3A039017F}

This is the schema that I had created:

If I look at the documentation on Z Segment creation I see this:

Type the name of the field, starting the name with the first three digits of the segment name, followed by a period and the number of the field, followed by an underscore and then a short description of the field. The description should be one or a series of words, without spaces, with the first letter of each word capitalized. Press Enter.

To create a field with components, create the field as a record, and then create a child element of that record for each component. To create a field with subcomponents, create the field and components as records, and the subcomponents as child elements. Note that subcomponents cannot be composite data types. For example, for the segment named ZPP_PatientPreferencesSegment, you might create a ZPP.1_Dietary field and a PD.1 Allergies component with a PD.1.1_FoodGroupAllergy subcomponent. The PD.1.1_FoodGroupAllergy subcomponent would have to be a simple data type.

So this is a special behavior for the Z Segments, where you MUST use the period instead of the underscore if the first character is a number, notice the difference between two segments: