Making Microsoft BizTalk Adapter v2.0 for mySAP Business Suite projects work with WCF SAP Adapter #2

This is in continuation to the previous post, where we discussed the differences in the XML structure used by the old SAP adapter and the new WCF SAP Adapter. In a transactional scenario, the old adapter uses the context property named ‘ConnectionType’. This context property is present in the new adapter too, with a few changes, which we illustrate here.

The corresponding values for the context property ’ConnectionType’ in the old and the new adapters are as follows:

1. OPENREUSE: Open a new connection for reuse. Equivalent in new adapter is ‘OPEN
2. REUSECONNECTION: Reuse an existing cached connection. Equivalent in new adapter is ‘REUSE‘.
3. REUSECLOSECONNECTION: Reuse open connection and then close it. Equivalent in new adapter is ‘CLOSE‘.

In addition to the above, the new adapter provides an additional value ‘ABORT‘, which closes the connection after the current call is made despite of any exceptions that may occur. This value does not have an equivalent in the old adapter. The WCF SAP Adapter documentation discusses this context property in more detail.

The pipeline component included with the preceding post (here) has now been updated to map the old adapter’s context property ’ConnectionType’ to that of the new adapter – in addition to the XML mapping it already did – making transition from the old adapter to the new one an easy process.

Making Microsoft BizTalk Adapter v2.0 for mySAP Business Suite projects work with WCF SAP Adapter #2

This is in continuation to the previous post, where we discussed the differences in the XML structure used by the old SAP adapter and the new WCF SAP Adapter. In a transactional scenario, the old adapter uses the context property named ‘ConnectionType’. This context property is present in the new adapter too, with a few changes, which we illustrate here.

The corresponding values for the context property ’ConnectionType’ in the old and the new adapters are as follows:

1. OPENREUSE: Open a new connection for reuse. Equivalent in new adapter is ‘OPEN
2. REUSECONNECTION: Reuse an existing cached connection. Equivalent in new adapter is ‘REUSE‘.
3. REUSECLOSECONNECTION: Reuse open connection and then close it. Equivalent in new adapter is ‘CLOSE‘.

In addition to the above, the new adapter provides an additional value ‘ABORT‘, which closes the connection after the current call is made despite of any exceptions that may occur. This value does not have an equivalent in the old adapter. The WCF SAP Adapter documentation discusses this context property in more detail.

The pipeline component included with the preceding post (here) has now been updated to map the old adapter’s context property ’ConnectionType’ to that of the new adapter – in addition to the XML mapping it already did – making transition from the old adapter to the new one an easy process.

Another sensational BizTalk MUST have resource

Another sensational BizTalk MUST have resource

Happy 2008 all!

Enter BizTalk HotRod

As we know getting things done in BizTalk requires specific knowledge around specific
areas with various tweaks here and there (e.g. creating a flat file schema that removes
the field names in the first line).

Some folks at Microsoft have felt the same way and decided to kick off their shoes
and embrace an alternative to a mid-life crisis and the temptation of a Harley around
the world. Two Microsoft TS’s are embarking on the trail.

They have created a BizTalk quarterly magazine filled with some fantastic
tips’n tricks
(e.g. creating pipelines to handle zip compression using Office
OpenXML format) – and the language and format of the magazine suits me down to a ‘T’.
Very funny reading.

I look down the table of contents and it’s got some great tips all in the
one spot
-to find this stuff elsewhere is going to take alot of time assuming
it exists.

Check it out and see if it’s worthwhile – it’s currently free (you may see yours truly
post an article there one day 🙂

BizTalk HotRod Magazine“Where
BizTalk meets the road”


Well done guys – well done!!!

Reboot for the BizTalk User Group Sweden (BUGS)

After meeting with Johan and Mikael from WMData we have planned a new start for the BizTalk user group. We plan to hold about six meetings during 2008, about one every two months.

The first meeting will be at 17:45 on the Tuesday the 12th February at the KnowIT offices in central Stockholm (Klarabergsgatan 60, two minutes walk from the central station).. If you would like to attend, or be on the mailing list for future events, contact me via the blog with your email details.

The agenda for the first meeting is:

17:45 Samling

18:00 Start

Introduktion till Usergroupen och dess arbete

ESB Guidance (Mikael H%u00e5kansson och Johan Hedberg)

19:00 Paus, mingel, diskussioner. N%u00e5got att %u00e4ta och dricka kommer finnas.

19:30 ESB Guidance avslutas

Oslo (Alan Smith)

Q & A, avrundning, diskussioner

Oslo %u00e4r en samling tekniska l%u00f6sningar som ska f%u00f6renkla byggandet av applikationer f%u00f6r en tj%u00e4nsteorienterad arkitektur. Med Oslo f%u00f6rflyttar vi oss fr%u00e5n att modeller beskriver applikationer till att modellen %u00e4r applikationen. L%u00e4s mer p%u00e5

ESB Guidance %u00e4r ett steg i riktningen att lyfta BizTalk till mer av en Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) med ut%u00f6kat st%u00f6d f%u00f6r l%u00f6st kopplade tj%u00e4nster. L%u00e4s mer p%u00e5 Presentationen kommer belysa hur BizTalk relaterar till SOA, SOI och inte minst ESB. Vi kommer g%u00e5 igenom st%u00f6d, riktlinjer, komponenter och tillh%u00f6rande portal, och ge en bild av hur ESB Guidance kan konfigureras, anv%u00e4ndas och ut%u00f6kas

Deploying from a Work Item Number…

I was working with a shop recently that
wanted to be able to do very fine-grained deployments (of a web application) into
production.  They were pretty far into their Team Foundation Server adoption,
and wanted to be able to deploy the files contained in the changeset(s) that were
tied to a particular work item. 

So, for instance, to close a particular bug work item, three changesets might be checked
in (each associated with that work item.)  Each of these changesets might comprise
multiple files.  When preparing to stage the fix, the client wanted to simply
say “go get work item 1237” and have the right thing happen (i.e. all files retrieved,
preserving folder structure) – even without a workspace defined.

They were happy to let me share the solution with you, so you can download it here
You’ll have to build it yourself, pointing at the correct TFS assemblies.

It is a command line utility – the command line help is as follows:

GetCSForWI v1.0.0.0
Copyright 2007

Retrieves files associated with changesets or changesets
that have been associated with a particular work item.

Usage: GetCSForWI.exe [@argfile] <tfsServer> [/changeset:<changesetNumber>]
       [/workitem:<workitemNumber>] [/path:<localFolder>] [/help|?|h] [/version|v]

@argfile                      Read arguments from a file.
tfsServer                     TFS Server name
/changeset <changesetNumber>  Changeset number to retrieve
/workitem <workitemNumber>    Workitem number to retrieve changesets for
/path <localFolder>           Local folder to copy to (after getting to
/help                         Show usage.
/version                      Show version.


This showed up in my inbox yesterday and it was one of those love at first sight moments. How is it that Apple always seems to produce things that I can’t seem to live without? They’re on a roll. However, I’ll probably wait until v2 of this bad boy…hopefully the price of the solid state hard drives will come down a bit by then.

Another nice surprise yesterday — Apple finally added multi-recipient SMS to iPhone 1.1.3! They also shipped a GPS-like feature into Google Maps that triangulates via cell towers. Plus home screen customization.

Extending WCF with Custom Behaviors

My last Service Station column on Extending WCF with Custom Behaviors is online (it’s actually been online for a little while now but I missed blogging about it with the holiday craze). Here’s the abstract:

Windows® Communication Foundation (WCF) provides numerous extensibility points that allow developers to customize the runtime behavior for service dispatching and client proxy invocation. You can tap into these extensibility points by writing custom behaviors that can be applied declaratively to your services. This month I’ll show you how this process works.