As promised, we’re launching our July series of WF and WCF Influencer MSDN Webcasts.  You can find links to them on our MSDN Webcasts site here:


Webcast Title

Date/ Time


Transactional Windows Communication Foundation Services with Juval Lowy

7/7/2008 10:00 AM PST

Juval Lowy

Using Windows Workflow Foundation to Build Services with Jon Flanders

7/9/2008 10:00 AM PST

Jon Flanders

WCF Extensibility Deep Dive with Jesus Rodriguez

7/11/2008 10:00 AM PST

Jesus Rodriguez

Bringing Enterprise Data to Life with SharePoint Server and Windows Communication Foundation

7/18/2008 10:00 AM PST

Joe Klug


Make sure to catch these amazing sessions with our industry experts.



Marjan Kalantar