I recently installed the x64 version of bts r2 using the defaults (including the directory names)–the installation went along without a glitch. My apps can execute, etc. The only concern I have with the installation is where the installation resides (screen shot). Why is it sitting under x86?
I blogged about a 64-bit install last year (http://www.modhul.com/2007/07/28/biztalk-installation-on-a-64-bit-machine/) and from what I can remember, the installer only installs the 32-bit components in the x86 Program Files folder, but I can’t remember what was contained in that folder – do you have a BizTalk installation in the (non) x86 folder?
Thanks for responding. I’ll check out your blog from last year. To answer your question, no–the installation looks like it all went under x86–the bins that are x64 specific are under the bin path under x86…
The install that the blog post talks about was BizTalk 2006 ‘R1’ – I’m wondering whether R2 does things differently (orhas a bug?); unfortunately, I don’t have a spare 64-bit machine to try it out on.