Weird Problem with Webreference

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    • #12238

      Hello Guys,

      I wonder anyone of you have encounter this problem, I am unable to add a webservice as a Webreference to my biztalk project. The url is below which i am trying to add as a webreference. OR

      I am able to add them to my Web project and also to my desktop project. I am unable to add them to my Biztalk Project.


      Shaik Nagul

    • #12239

      Hi Shaik Nagul,

      The Webservices containt in the parameters of some of the methods and BizTalk can’t handle them. You can put these arrays in a property in a class and use the class as parameter and then it will work.
      It is documented somewhere in the msdn library, but at this moment I can’t find it back 🙁

      Hope this helps,

      • #12240

        Hi Eli,

        Thanks for the reply.
        How did you find out that the webservice has arrays ??

        And one more thing, is the same problem persist even in Biztalk2006 ??

        Once again Thanks

        • #12241

          Hi Shaik,

          If I look at the webservice and click on the method [i:235a83cff6]SearchHotelsByID[/i:235a83cff6] I see the following:
          [code:1:235a83cff6] <soap:Body>
          <SearchHotelsByID xmlns=\"\">
          <HotelIdInfo id=\"string\" />
          <HotelIdInfo id=\"string\" />

          In this xml the tags [i:235a83cff6]clHotelIdInfo[/i:235a83cff6], [i:235a83cff6]dtCheckIn[/i:235a83cff6] and [i:235a83cff6]dtCheckOut[/i:235a83cff6] are the parameters of the method. [i:235a83cff6]clHotelIdInfo[/i:235a83cff6] contains 2 tags [i:235a83cff6]HotelIdInfo[/i:235a83cff6], which means that parameter [i:235a83cff6]clHotelIdInfo[/i:235a83cff6] is a parameter of type [b:235a83cff6]array of [i:235a83cff6]HotelIdInfo[/i:235a83cff6]’s[/b:235a83cff6]

          • #12242

            Thanks to all of you for helping me out but now i am struck with another problem,

            I am using WSE adapter to consume the web service but again like i am struck with how will i be able to create soap header as the webservice need username and password in the soap header.

            Thanks again.

            • #12243

              Hi Stephen,

              Thanks for the advice but can you bit elaborate how to add context properties in orchestration as i am relatively new to biztalk as am not sure where to find .


              Shaik Nagul

              • #12244

                From what I have seen, Biztalk 2006 does have basic support for Arrays.

                You could also look at using the WSE Adapter. I think that supports Arrays.

                Hope this helps.

                • #12245

                  I think those are context properties. SOAP.Username and SOAP.Password. Or something like that. I think that is all you need to set.

                  You can do this easily inside an Orchestration otherwise I think you would need a custom pipeline component.

                  • #12246

                    The help guide or some of the sample on my site would help. Probably the best is [url][/url]. It will show you how to set message context properties inside an Orchestration.

                    Basically, inside a message construct shape you would have something like this:
                    Out = In;
                    Out(SOAP.Username) = “something”;

                    SOAP.Username can be any property you want to set – that isn’t read only.[/url]

                    • #12247

                      I am trying to consume the tourico webservices in a biztalk orchestration
                      the webservices are available here –

                      [url] lsService.asmx[url]

                      I am using Biztalk 2006 and still unable to add a web reference to this
                      webservice. When I use the WSE 3 adapter to generate the proxy/schemas and get the orchestration up and running – i get a login failure

                      when i looked at the tcp traffic in ethreal – i noticed that WSE added its own set of SOAP headers and didnt add the soap headers i specified in the
                      orchestration ie user name, password and culture. I am wondering whether its really possible to call a plain vanilla web service with the WSE 3 without adding all sorts of WSE 3 items in the soap header and how to add my user name and password in the header. The approach of creating a property schema – and then having a property the name of the main element of the header tag etc doesnt work

                      I cant understand why i cant add a web reference to the service in the first place…i mean this was supposed to hav been sorted out in biztalk 2006

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