Visual Studio 2005 hang when I build a project

Home Page Forums BizTalk 2004 – BizTalk 2010 Visual Studio 2005 hang when I build a project

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    • #14962

      Recently I’ve been having problems with BizTalk freezing up totally when I
      build a project. Has anyone else ever has this problem?

      It was working for months previous, now all of a sudden it will fail after 1
      build.. i.e., I can build once, then if i build again (after any change) it
      consumes 100% cpu \”for ever\”. I have to end the task with task manager to
      get the system to respond again.

      Any thoughts?

      I’ve uninstalled/reinstalled biztalk 2006, VS 2005, and .NET framework 2.0


    • #14963

      I have not seen this before.

      Here are a few things I’d look at:
      – Make sure you don’t have deploy checked on your solution when you do a build
      – Make sure you don’t have the restart host property on the projects set to true
      – Make sure your projects are not too large. I’ve been builds take a long time when I had a lot of maps and schemas in them.

      Hope this helps.

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