Obtainign a Unique ID from an SQL Adapter

Home Page Forums BizTalk 2004 – BizTalk 2010 Obtainign a Unique ID from an SQL Adapter

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    • #13098


      I am using a stored procedure to capture the unique ID from a database.
      I call the stored procedure in an SQL adapter and use it like this n a message …..

      xmlDataValidation = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
      xmlDataValidation.LoadXml(\”[i:6b1767024a]generated data here[/i:6b1767024a]\”);
      msgPO_DataValidation = xmlDataValidation;

      XPathExpression = \”number([i:6b1767024a]xpath expression here[/i:6b1767024a])\”;
      msgPO_DataValidation.SP_DataValidation.poid = System.Convert.ToInt32(xpath(InsertMsg,XPathExpression));

      At the end of the message I ask it to print the unique ID to the screen … and it always prints ‘1’ – no matter what the unique ID is. Now 1 is the number of the start seed of the Autoincrementing field – and the default value- i don’t know if that means anything

      But I cannot get the actual Unique ID


    • #13099

      Maybe it’s a problem with the XPath.

      Did you try using String rather than number in the XPath?
      Is the value right in the message?

      Just a thought.

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