MetadataException: The assembly required for type mapping not found

Home Page Forums BizTalk 2004 – BizTalk 2010 MetadataException: The assembly required for type mapping not found

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    • #26026

      I have generated schemas using ConsumeAdapterService from oracle database. I just want to insert data into tables that contain user defined types. Hence, the usertype assembly also got generated.I also have specified the below properties.

      enableBizTalkCompatibilityMode = True

      useSchemaInNameSpace = False

      useAmbientTransaction = True

      userAssembliesLoadPath=<DLL path>

      I have deployed the solution in my development environment and the solution works great and I can insert data into oracle tables.

      Now I deploy this solution to another test environment. I have GACed the assemblies and copied to the Biztalk installation folder as well. I have also specified the path in the userAssembliesLoad property and have done all the setup just i did in my local environment.

      I receive the below error

      Error Description: Microsoft.ServiceModel.Channels.Common.MetadataException: The assembly required for type mapping not found.

      The change is the biztalk environment and the Oracle database server. However, i specified all other properties accurately.

      I wonder why it works in my local and does not work in test environment.

      Please advise if you have any solution

    • #26577

      Well we were also facing the same issue, the generated dll used to work on our server but the same was not working on customer environment.

      So after lot of debugging it seems that we need to generate the UDT dll for every server you need to use.

      Unfortunately that solved my problem.

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