How to Deploy BizTalk applications

Home Page Forums BizTalk 2004 – BizTalk 2010 How to Deploy BizTalk applications

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    • #21323


      ok, I basicly know how to deploy. But often I run into the problem that deployment fails.

      I’ve got a bunch of Orchestrations and I build the orchestrations in VS by clicking build, and deploy by clicking deploy. After this I use the BTS Managementconsole refreshing the application and start the application. Everything seems to be fine. No errors etc.

      So in my Orchestrations I do a lot of writing to the trace. Now, when I run the application and debug the BTS, I’m reading the trace. But what I got to see are messages from former builds and not the current traces.

      This happens even, if I remove the Application from the BTSManagementConsole before building and deploying the application.

      Trying rebuild doesn’t help anyway.

      It just looks like bizTalk is caching the builds and ignores the “updates”.

      I would be really happy if someone knows a solution for my Problem and shares the solution


      thanks, Daniel


    • #21324

      You need to restart the Host instance that the orchestration is running under when you deploy an updated version of the assembly.  BizTalk does not automatically reload assemblies from the GAC.

      • #21334


        but how to restart the host instance?

        BTS Management Console


               -BizTalk Group


                         -MyApplikation (rightclick – stop, than choose Fullstop, rightclick Refresh and start)


        This is how I restart host instances.

        But this either doesn’t work. So may I ask, is there an other way to restart host instances to solve the problem from above?


        The current solution I’m trying is to increment the version for the assemblies.

        This seems to work.

        Thanks Daniel

        • #21335


          BTS Management Console


                 -BizTalk Group


                             -Host Instances

                                    thehostsinstance (right click Restart)

          • #21337


            Found it! I’ve got a german VS and the translation is just crap, so it’s sometimes hard to find such things.

            But there comes an other question:

            Could an restart of host instances be done by commandline?


            thanks, Daniel

            • #21366

              Hi I know how to restart a host instance and had tried and test before [:)]

              But I had a question. Can I keep all the previous version in the Biztalk so that in case of any crashes, I can revert back to the previous version

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