Hi guys,
I have a receive port which receives an HTTP post on an url such as /mydir/BTSHTTPReceive.dll?Action=Bla.
Every night in the AM’s, so far 3 days in a row, first day 2am, then 2am and then 5am……i get an error in my eventlog that it could not find a subscription to the message submited by biztalk http receive source and references that URL.
So I am receiving that message and I don’t know where it is coming from. There is a remote chance that the other party is indeed posting to us but I doubt it.
When in HAT, I go into Queries->Messages Sent in past day, I find that message and it’s event/direction = \”SEND\”. I don’t understand why it would be send if I am suppose to receive it on a receive port. Or is it \”send\” as in Pipeline wants to Send/Publish to the MsgBox?
All the other messages that result from the query are indeed messages that I sent and their urls are remote urls, not URLS where I am suposeto receive messages on.
Anyone have any ideas on how to figure this out? The messages don’t mess up my orchestration instances but they are annoying.
Gino 🙂