DBLookup functioids not working

Home Page Forums BizTalk 2004 – BizTalk 2010 DBLookup functioids not working

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    • #26017

      I have used an inbound and outbound schema and the basic mapping is working fine.

      When I add a dblookup along with value extractor functoid it is not working.

      Both database and biztalk runs on the same computer. The connection string is a valid string and I used SQLOLEDB provider with Persist Security Info=false and provided all other credentials.

      I had validated inbound, outbound and maps no errors were thrown.

      Any help would be much appreciated.

    • #26021

      can you let me know the error in more detail

      • #26022

        I don't know what's the problem! schemas and maps are tested and validated with no issues

        • #26028

          There might be some configuration issue. The problem is ValueExtractor functoid wont return you any Error if any. It will return blank.

          So what you can do is use a Error Return Functoid and see if any Error is returned. Most probably it is access issue with databases.


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