Cannot receive message by correlation in a middle of orchestration

Home Page Forums BizTalk 2004 – BizTalk 2010 Cannot receive message by correlation in a middle of orchestration

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    • #21281


      Im facing a problem – while trying to receve a message in an orchestration ( somewhere in a middle ) , according on correlation set to outgoing message by ReceivePortId (Im sending some mesage to some file, and should receive “Response message” from another file by the same orchestration). The message is received by receve port, but I get that message suspended – like there’s no subscriber. What might be a problem ?

      Is ReceivePortId  not enough for correlation? and if not – how can I do such a thing?

    • #21286

      Use XML Recieve pipeline.

      • #21289

        Thanx, just did it, but it ain’t working.

        In subscriptions – I can see the two values I am subscribed to – ReceivePortId & Message type.

        After I changed using Receive Pipeline to Xml receive – I can see in suspended message those ( the very same values ) values, but the orchestration stays in dehydrated mode, and the suspended message stays suspended :))

        BTW: I work with Bts2006, though this fourm is for BTS2004, the problem actually is the same.



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