BizTalk Direct Binding using Message Queue (Any sample?)

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    • #12348


      I am trying to utilize direct binding using Message Queue to pass data from one orchestration to (possibly) multiple orchestrations. Basically, the source orcestration will output messages, with status attached to it (promoted property) – Then, a set of children orchestrations will be subscribing to this message, but based on the status, different orch. will pick up and do further processing.

      To do the above, I believe that I need to use direct binding (with message queue) – However, when I tried it, my first orch. fails with persistenceException (i.e. there is no one subscribing for this output) – I guess I did not set it up right,

      I am wondering, if there is any sample out there to do this… (I got a sample, which connected orchestration to orchestration using port binding – But, I need to use message queue, since, more than one orch. potentially could consume the message).

      Any help, greatly appreciated.


    • #12349

      Thanks Stephen.

      I have figured out the way to use (Direct binding) – however with some hiccups (the issue you mentioned above)

      1) I had two projects, one each for source and destination(consuming) orchestration. Both the projects included the same schema (with the same namespace, except that first one is creating the document and the second one is consuming it). However, it does not work. I get \”no orch. is subscribing\” error. Out of curiousity, I created one big project with both the orch. included (since, same namespace makes sense) and it worked. I will be interested to know how the namespace will look like if I have both the orch. in separate projects. I used subscription viewer utility, but could not figure it what I am doing wrong.

      I will look forward to your sample. Hopefully, you will create it as 2 separate projects.

      Thanks again. You are doing a wonderful job.


      • #12350

        Thanks for the feedback.

        The next sample I’m working on is a direct binding sample. I hope to have it posted in a week or so.

        Make sure you use the subscription viewer to help you resolve any issues. With direct biding, something the message namespace can get in the way.

        Best of luck.

        • #12351

          Oh, I think that might be your problem. Biztalk wants a unique set of Message Type Names (that is Namespace#Root Node Name). If not, you have to take additional action in your Pipelines.

          So, if you namespace and root node name are exactly the same you might want to try removing one of them.

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