Add a Header to a flat file without changing the schema

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    • #25388


      In a receive location I use a flat file adapter to import a .txt file. Afetr this I use a flat file disassembler in the pipeline, then a map and so on.

      Now, we want to add a header to the .txt file. I don’t want to build a new schema and a new map etc.

      Is it possible to let the source schema know, that a header is now included in the flat file .txt, without changing the rest (mapping etc.)?

      Thanks in advance.


    • #25441

      Hi Wolfgang,


         To better understand your requirement, what is the purpose of adding the header to your flat file schema? Do you intend to use that header somewhere down the line?




      • #25448

        Hi Daniel.

        Thanks for your reply.

        The following scenario I have. Automatically a flat file is generated by another application. This flat file (txt) I consume over a pipeline. The other app can save the flat file with or without a header (for the rows) in line one (the first line in the file). Now I build me schemas an mappings etc. without the header in the flat file because all files I had till now were without this headerline.

        Now they want to include a headerline, because if someone will have a look in the flat file can find the value and the name of the corresponding field (because the field names are in the headerline). Ok, so far so good.

        I found a way to manage it. In the properties of the disassambler there is a field where you can let BizTalk know there is a Header in the flat file. I build a new Schema for the Header and assigned it to this property field and that’s all.

        No, there is no need in or after BTS for the header. It is just if someone will have a look into the file before BTS will consume it or when the flat file is archived.

        Thanks again.


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