
One of our staff recently got an iPhone after a vodafone sales rep suggested they
should ‘try’ one……one piece of detail they left off……

Vodafone didn’t put them on the appropriate plan (?????) as the iPhone can be a little
chatty (as we all know).

First bill came in at a 500% increase from previous – wow!!! No phone calls, txts,
reminders…nothing (but I get regular txts asking me if I want circus tickets??)

Upon asking them the big “Why” question – “Oh…you’re not on an iPhone plan…” ????????
(Should have read “You’re on our most expensive plan so we can squeeze more out of

(But you sold me the iPhone……)


The good thing that did come out of all this is that I discovered a site that compares
all pricing/plans for iPhones from major carriers.

http://www.numbersinaflash.com/iphone-top-10-plans/ –
even got knobs and dials!

Virgin Mobile look to be leading the way here

Problem#2 – How to move over to Virgin Mobile?