I never really “got” the idea of the need to build a textual DSL when I was first introduced to MGrammar. The light really switched on when I looked into developing a DSL that would make it easier for developers to create BAM activities.
The BAML language only took a couple of hours to develop. I had experimented with simple text based DSLs before, so this was my first “real” language.
I have recorded a 20 minute webcast showing how the language works, and how it can be used. If you want to experiment with it yourself, the language is here.
module BloggersGuides
language BAML
syntax Main = Activity;
syntax Activity =
=> { activity { n,{ p }} };
syntax PKI = Milestone | Integer | Decimal | Text;
syntax Milestone = t:MilestoneToken n:NameToken ‘;’
=> { t, { n } };
syntax Integer = t:IntegerTokenn:NameToken ‘;’
=> { t, { n } };
syntax Decimal = t:DecimalTokenn:NameToken ‘;’
=> { t, { n } };
syntax Text = t:TextTokenn:NameToken ‘;’
=> { t, { n } };
syntax List (Element) =
e:Element => { e } |
list:List(Element) e:Element => { valuesof(list), e };
token NameToken = (‘A’..’Z’ | ‘a’..’z’)+;
@{ Classification [“Keyword”] }
token ActivityToken = “activity”;
@{ Classification [“Keyword”] }
token MilestoneToken = “milestone”;
@{ Classification [“Keyword”] }
token IntegerToken = “integer”;
@{ Classification [“Keyword”] }
token DecimalToken = “dec”;
@{ Classification [“Keyword”] }
token TextToken = “text”;
interleave Whitespace = ‘ ‘ | ‘\r’ | ‘\n’ | ‘\t’;
This is the sample input file I used on the webcast.
activity ConferenceBooking
milestone BookingDate;
text ConferenceName;
text AttendeeCity;
text HotelName;
dec Price;
integer Days;
You will need the command line compiler to get the BAM activity created, if you contact me I can email it to you.