Config files:
  • Enumerate the high level elements of the <system.serviceModel> section.
  • What is the name attribute of the <service> element?
  • What is the contract attribute of the <endpoint> element?
  • What is the difference in the attributes the binging and the bindingConfiguration of the <endpoint> element?
  • What is the difference in the attributes the binging and the bindingName of the <endpoint> element?
  • Are the addresses, the bindings, the contracts unique between services?
  • How are dependent the app.config and the machine.config files?
  • Enumerate the high level of the <bindings> and<binding>element.
Service contracts:
  • Enumeratethree message exchange patterns in the WCF model.
  • If the service operation returns void, what is the message exchange pattern? Is the client waiting the operation to completed in this case?
  • What the difference between the request-response pattern and the duplex pattern?
  • In the duplex communication is the server set up the client address or the client set it up? This address is used by the server to sent the data back to the client.