Just stumbled across this post about the UK SDC Build and Deployment Framework for MSBuild. Actually I did download the zip from GDN a while ago and didnt get to investigate in detail and Howard has listed the tasks nicely on his blog. The thing Im most interested to find is that it has a series of tasks that deal with Biztalk 2004.I’ve just posted a message on the workspace to find out if it can work with VS2003 and MSBee. Since Biztalk 2004 is a .NET 1.1 product, i think it should but im not sure if the tasks themselves have been written in .NET 2.0. although a backport should be possible if the source code is available.
UK SDC Build and Deployment Framework and Biztalk
by community-syndication | May 23, 2006 | BizTalk Community Blogs via Syndication | 0 comments