I’ve just published a couple of webcasts looking at Workflow Foundation 4.0.
WF 4.0 Sequential Workflow Designer
This webcast takes a look at the new designer in WF 4.0 and features simple workflows to input and output data. It also focuses on the new DbUpdate activity and shows how it can be used to insert data to a SQL database (modelled in “M” of course 🙂 from a workflow.
Building Custom Activities in WF 4.0
This webcasts focuses on developing custom activities for WF 4.0 and also at using the new WPF activity designer. We start off with a simple WriteLine activity, then add aWPF based designer to allow properties to be edited in the workflow designer. We then look at creating a custom While activity that can be used to create a loop in a workflow (actually quite useful as there is no while activity in the toolbox at present.