I was cracking into getting my machine setup for a Silverlight project that I’m working
on and came up with the above error.
Now….I admit….running x64 Windows 2008 on my Fijitsu Laptop mighten be the best
combination given the huge support for my laptop drivers that I have.
I installed all the new(er) Silverlight 2.0 Beta bits from http://silverlight.net (VS2008
Silverlight 2.0 Beta 1 Bits) and opened up my VS2008 seeing all the new Silverlight
project types – cool! (I thought)
Each time I either created or opened an existing project – boom!
up came the error.
So I figured the installation didn’t complete properly………after running/re-running/uninstalling/installing
countless times the error was still there!!!!
My one solace and saving grace was running the following command line:
devenv /setup
……”I’m on my way, on my way to happiness today…..ah huh ah huh ah huh”……..