Hey folks – while flying through different timezones and working away on my VPCs I
came across the problem below.
Basically no further work could be done on the Application within the BizTalk Admin
Couldn’t stop/start, undeploy…delete etc.
The only thing I had done was to adjust my time to reflect local time….which as
I found out causes the problem.
I adjusted my clock back to Sydney time and we’re good to go!!!
Trap for young players……
Function: SetConfigInfo
Tracking ID: df1dd0b0-c9d5-4012-bb97-336aa8df78b3
Client Computer: BTS06-Platform.contoso.com (mmc.exe:1884)
Client User: BTS06-PLATFORM\Administrator
Application Name: {D2241406-0767-4C13-98EB-43EECE80F8A0}
Error Code: 0xC0002A40, The external credentials in the SSO database are more recent.