Well folks – that pain point SPAM, it’s normally pills, sniffers, adding inches, removing

Lately I’ve been getting”Just confirming for the online event X that is happening
in 2 days <blurb> Click Here”

This latest one I had to share with you

Essentially the SPAMMERs formula is <Send Email><Add Words to Make User
Click><Provide Dodgey Links that will track you for life><End Email>

Sent from a gmail acct (that makes it real 🙂


Princeton Global Networks


Dear Mick Badran,

It is my pleasure to inform you that you are being considered for inclusion into the
2009/2010 Princeton Global Networks “Honors Edition” of the Registry.

The 2009/2010 edition of the Registry will include biographies of the world’s most
accomplished individuals. Recognition of this kind is an honor shared by thousands
of executive and professional men & women throughout America and the World each
year. Inclusion is considered by many as a very high mark of achievement.

Upon final confirmation, you will be listed among a select few of accomplished individuals
in the Princeton Global Network Registry. There is NO cost to be included in the Registry
as a basic listing.

For accuracy and publication deadlines, please complete your application by using
the link provided below and submit your information to us at the earliest opportunity.

http://www.formdesk.com/pgn/New (Link
has been modified as it contained GUIDs that I reckon verify my addr)

On behalf of the Managing Director, we wish you continued success.


<Bugs Bunny>

Editor in Chief