Great to see some public information surfacing around SharePoint 2010 and development.

To get started (if you’re not already) here’s the SDK with a CHM file and PDF/XPS
on “how to customise the ribbon”.

Doing a little digging in the CHM file, you can see (below) all the different Content
categories with some special areas to note:

  1. There appears to be a Visio Server – I guess like InfoPath + Excel Services as they
    currently stand in 2007.
  2. AJAX + JSON seem to make an appearance at the foundational core – yay! less page reloads.
  3. WCF Services used (*.SVC) as expected and simplified. Also it appears that BDC systems
    are accessible via a SharePoint custom WCF Binding, making it possible to work on
    BDC based data from various applications within SharePoint. SharePoint might become
    the hub ’repository’ for this sort of information.

Bear in mind *alot* of this information is ’subject’ to change.

Certainly going fwd it should be very exciting to see what actually ships and whether
some of the immediate constraints are dealt with.

Looks like we’re up for another Ribbon experience in this Version of SharePoint from
within the Browser.