Olaf and I were cracking away on some SharePoint 2010 work which we thought should
be simplepoint SPMetal to the site and start LINQ-ing to our hearts content..
with the one exception that we couldn’t select items from a list based on their Content
By default SPMetal.exe doesn’t include these ’system’ fields (apart
from ID + Title – go figure) and the secret is to use an Override file.
The good oil is:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee535056.aspx
(Here’s a good article on how .NET Types are mapped to SharePoint – http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee536245.aspx)
The simple override/parameters file:
<Web AccessModifier="Internal" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SharePoint/2009/spmetal">
<ContentType Name="Item" Class="Item">
<Column Name="ContentType" Member="ContentType" />
The SPMetal Command Line
The VS.NET Code
static void Main(string[] args)
using (BreezeDataContext dc = new BreezeDataContext("http://breezelocal"))
var myitems = from i in dc.GetList<ContentListTraining>("My Content List")
where i.ContentType == "Training"
select i;
var courses = myitems.ToList<ContentListTraining>();
Console.WriteLine("There are {0} items",courses[0].Title);