First of all, “Hi”! As Cliff said, I’ve joined the Connected .NET Framework product management team here. It’s been great so far, and we have lots of great content planned for WF/WCF dev centers. But it’s been a couple of months now and after my short honeymoon period, I was told it’s time I blogged something. This one is an easy spike (a little Olympic Beach Volleyball lingo), thanks to the great setup by Cliff and Aaron. Of course I am talking about the great series of short How-To screencasts we are rolling out. This is only the third week, but trust me, we are going to have one of these every week for a while and tons of great connected framework knowledge will be shared.
This week, for our third installment, CSD MVP Aaron Skonnard walks you through how to host WCF services in ASP.NET/IIS.
The WF/WCF screencasts are a weekly series of Channel9 videos done in conjunction with the folks at PluralSight to help developers new to WF/WCF see how the technology is used. Aaron and the PluralSight folks are now offering online training courses (in a format similar to these screencasts) as a compliment to their catalog of instructor-led training courses covering Microsoft connected systems technologies. Their training topics range from .NET v3.5 (including an excellent WF/WCF Double Feature course) to WSS to BizTalk server.