Here at Pluralsight, we’re especially excited for the MVP Summit this year. It’s a great opportunity for us to meet-up with the diverse group of brilliant and talented MVPs from all over the world sharing this title. There are several of us from Pluralsight attending this year including myself, Keith Brown, Scott Allen, David Starr, Jon Fancey, and Meagon Marshall (and I’m probably forgetting someone).
We’re especially excited for this year’s Summit because we just announced a special new Pluralsight On-Demand! program for all MVPs throughout the world.
We now offer free 1-year Standard On-Demand! subscriptions to all current MVPs.
The Pluralsight gang will be carrying stacks of activation cards around with us – all you need to do is find one of us and request your activation card. That will give you what you need to sign-up and take advantage of the offer. Each activation request will be validated to ensure that the registrant is indeed a current MVP, so there’s no point in trying to score one for a friend. 😉 Be sure to look for us wearing the Pluralsight On-Demand! “tag cloud” t-shirt – that’s how you can spot us – and get your activation card.
The easiest place to find us this week will be at tonight’s Party with Palermo. If you’re planning to attend the party, you’ll find Meagon (our marketing director) at the entrance. She’ll be handing out activation cards and making it possible to register for a few Pluralsight giveaways at the party – including a new Zune HD packed with Pluralsight On-Demand! training videos. Hope to see you there!
The party will be fun, but don’t worry if you can’t make it tonight. You can simply email [email protected] and provide a link to your MVP profile to request your activation code digitally. Once we process your request, you’ll receive complete activation instructions in the email you get back. Please be patient with us, it can take a business day or two to process these requests.
Pluralsight is also currently looking for a few candidates to join our team of the best and brightest authors/instructors to help build our Pluralsight On-Demand! library in the years ahead. So, if you’re an MVP who loves to teach, be sure to drop me a line, so we can connect during the Summit.
You can follow me (@skonnard) on Twitter or @pluralsight to follow the rest of the gang.