To help get everyone up to speed on the new Microsoft Offerings, I’ve put together over an hour of first look videos to help show the new features and walk though the new UI’s.
The following videos are now live on
First Look: Windows Application Server -Dublin – If you do not watch any other video, watch this one! This video takes a look at the new Windows Application Server. (Download WMV)
First Look: Quadrant – Oslo’s Modeling Tool -This video is an overview of the new modeling tool Quadrant that is used with Microsoft’s Modeling Platform Oslo. (Download WMV)
First Look: M – Oslo’s Modeling Language – This video walks though creating a simple model using the new M Modeling Language and takes a look at a simple Domain Specific Language (DSL). How often do you get to see a new language? (Download WMV)
Consuming WCF Services in Workflow 4.0 – This video takes a look at the new designer experience for Workflow 4.0 inside Visual Studios 10 and shows how to consume a WCF Service inside Workflow 4.0. (Download WMV)
Flowcharts and Rules in Workflow 4.0 – This video walks though creating an application using the Flowchart style of workflow and shows how to use Rules. (Download WMV)
It is important to point out that these new and enhanced technologies are not going to replace BizTalk. The are intended to enhance the rest of the framework. BizTalk Server will still serve a mission critical need as Microsoft’s Integration Server.
Have fun!