So today I was lucky enough to be invited on stage during the TechEd 2007 Keynote.
I got the job of carrying a box that was tagged with an RFID tag. You can watch
the video here .
I appear at 1:09:11 (not that you shouldn’t watch the whole thing ;-))
Here I am carrying a box that has an RFID label on it. Mike Woods is about to
scan the RFID tage with an RFID reader. He annouced me as being “Jon Flanders
from Jon Flanders’ delivery service” 🙂
So why am I up on stage holding a box? Have I given up dev for package delivery?
The reason I was lucky enough to be on stage with Mike Woods and Bob Muglia – is that
I wrote the RFID event handler code that was used in the software for the keynote.
It took the tag read from the device – and then enriched the data with GPS data from
a GPS deviced that was attached to the same computer that the RFID reader is attached
to. Pretty cool stuff.
You can read more about Microsoft BizTalk RFID here.
Many thanks to Cathexis – who provided the
RFID reader device