Well, unlike day 1, I was unable to dedicate a whole lot of time to the convention.
The only thing that I can attest to is that my discussion with Mark Singh brought some interesting ideas for the components of SEMRHIO
I also met with Eric Battalio again where I was grilled for more about an hour and a half. “Hands around my neck squeezing hard andforcing me to tell how documentation can be better.” Or something like that 🙂
Actually it was a great discussion, we discussed things that I did not like about the documentation, above and beyond my Documentation Rant.Hopefully something will come out of that, maybe some enhancements to the core product, some changes to the coreMSDN site, and other things. I hopethat documentationwill no longer be a second rate citizen in the eyes of Microsoft. My feelings that if thereis betterdocumentation (some documentation is better than others granted), but how we, the unenlightened, actually interact with thedocumentationthatmore resources of MS could be dedicated to making better software and not so many resources dedicated to supporting it.
I once again brought up that I use Google almost exclusively compared to Live Search because of the hit ratio.