The annual Microsoft SOA & Business Process Conference has been scheduled for 2007. You can find the conference site here, where you’ll find a list of sessions along with registration information. Pluralsight is sponsoring the show so we’ll have a booth and several of us will be speaking during the week. I’m doing the session on the new BizTalk WCF adapters. Jon and Matt are also speaking on different topics.



But the thing we’re probably most excited about is that Pluralsight is doing a preconference training seminar in conjunction with the conference. You can read more about it on the conference web site here — or just click on the “Discounted SOA Training” on the main page. We’re calling the seminar What’s New in Microsoft Connected Systems.  If you’re attending the conference or will be in the area during the end of Oct (10/28), check it out. We’ve designed this to be an advanced developer-oriented seminar to help ramp-up on the cool new technologies being developed by the Microsoft Connected Systems Division (CSD). Here are some of the highlights:


  • .NET 3.5 (Orcas) ramp-up
  • WCF Web API for REST/POX
  • WCF RSS/Ajax features
  • Workflow Services
  • WCF/WF/BTS integration
  • What’s new in BTS 2006 R2
  • WCF adapters for R2
  • BizTalk RFID
  • BizTalk Services (in the cloud)


The sessions are designed for developers and technical decision makers and will be taught by Jon,  Matt, and myself. For more details, or to register online, check out the event description page here.