Earlier this week I received an email from Anil Sanagavarapu who
firstly is crazy about Cricket and the World Cup.

He mentioned that his company Iris
 is embarking on a cool RFID Services project…..

So we got chatting and I’ve just seen what they’re doing around RFID using Microsoft
RFID Services, was fantastic.

Specifically their solution implements:

  1. Sync/Async reading of Tags
  2. Enrichment of Tag data within MS RFID Services Environment, supplimenting Tag Info
    with data coming from external datasources in a high performance environment.
  3. Optional emails of various tag events as the items go about their merry way.

The guys are looking to bring out some Video Content around their solution and project
based on their experiences. They will provide a Walk through of Microsoft RFID Services,
how to develop and implement solutions.

Looking fwd to that – great work guys! smile_regular

