The PDC is coming up fast!
I’m so excited about the PDC in general – but I think the most exciting part might
be what’s coming as part of Oslo. Steve
Martin has been talking about it among others.
If you haven’t heard, Oslo isn’t the big wave of products anymore, its been re-defined
to mean just three things:
- Oslo the language (“M”)
- The repository (for holding models)
- The visual editor (“Quadrant”)
All three of these are very very cool. Although I have to give the biggest cool factory
to “M”, and its ability to allow textual DSLs to be built with ease
One thing I’ve been talking about for years is the benefits of modeling. But the modeling
has always been visual (Orchestrations and WF). I think I’ve come to the realization
(which clearly the Oslo team has as well) that visual models are useful for a certain
portion of the developer population, but for the most part developers like to write
code, which means text.
Whether you are coming to the PDC or not, look out for the DSL capabilities of M
Check out my new book on REST.