I recently took the plunge and upgraded my 64 bit desktop from Vista to Windows 7 RC and for the most part I’ve been very happy with it. So far the only compatibility issues I’ve had were with some CD / DVD mounting tools and Live Mesh. I quickly realized how much I’ve come to rely on Live Mesh to keep files in synch between my desktop and laptop. All of my presentations and writing that I do live on both machines and I have a Tools folder with small utilities like .NET Reflector, Notepad2, etc. So when Live Mesh kept crashing under Windows 7, I got a little miffed.
I started by trying to set the compatibility to Vista or Vista Service Pack 1, but that didn’t fix the problem. I kept getting errors that the Mesh Operating Environment had stopped working and after closing it, it would restart, only to fail again in a few minutes. So, I did what any self-respecting developer does when they have a problem they can’t fix: I searched the web. Nothing, no love at all. I saw a few things about recent updates, which I’d installed already, and some registry hacks for the Win 7 beta, which were already incorporated into later builds of the product. So finally, I did the only logical thing, I uninstalled Live mesh, logged into Mesh.com and got the installer, and re-installed. A quick reboot, and all seems well. So, for those of you out searching the internet for a fix, hopefully this helps you out.
Of course, this is on My Machine, which is a home built x64 machine with an upgrade from Vista SP 1 to Win 7 RC. With all that in the mix, your mileage will likely vary. ;)