Last Friday and this Tuesday I was a judge (along with Mike and Chris)  for the Preliminary Finals of the New Zealand leg of the Imagine Cup Software Design Competition. 

We had the tough job of eliminating four of the seven New Zealand teams that entered. In our favour was a clear published judging criteria that the students had access to from the start of the competition.

It was great to see the future generation of ICT graduates linking up with industry mentors and producing quality projects that address real world problems.

The six teams that presented on Monday were as follows:

AUT Champs – Auckland – AUT

Hope2Go – University of Auckland

Active Ed – University of Auckland

Team Ackermen – University of Waikato – Victoria University of Wellington

T4 – University of Otago

Congratulations to T4, Team Ackermen and AUT Champs for making it through to the next round!