One of the things that I have had to do as a consultant is get used to moving from location to location.  Even if I’m at a client for many months, I’ll often be moved around their facility because I’m not permanently moving in.  This has meant that I’ve developed quite the interesting bit of tooling to help me keep a portable office.  So there are a few different areas of concern:

  • Organization
  • Network Connectivity
  • Content Capture & Playback
  • Computing Resources
  • Fallback Plans
  • Personal Comfort

This is a run down of what I carry, and what I think of it.  My bag is not perfect, as you’ll be able to see from my reviews, but it works for my needs.  What works for you will likely be different, but there will likely be overlaps and this list should prompt some ideas.

I’ll update this post with links to each of the posts as I get them up over the next week.